Equine Reiki•North East • Holistic Therapy for Horse, Riders and Pets.
Bringing the healing energies to your stable door.
Ex Veterinary Nurse, Owner of her two own beautiful horses, Qualified in Reiki level I,II, III Master/Teacher levels and qualified Holistic Therapist.
Working with Equine, Pets and There owners. Bring you Holistic Therapies. Reiki, Massage, Aromatherapy, Balance Procedure, Holistic Therapies can relieve aches and pains, any discomfort, Spasms and tension. Improve circulation, increasing flexibility and performance.
Promotes self healing, Restores Mobility, Increases blood and lymph flow, Stimulates the nervous system, Relieves Aches and Pains, Relieves emotional tension and anxieties, Calming, soothing, Reduces stressful situations eg Shoeing, boxing or past issues. Works on emotional, physical and mental levels. Relaxes and eases pre-competition stress, Nervousness, Boosts energy levels, Speeds recovery from illness or injury, aids recovery from trauma. Improves confidence, Helps gain peak performance, Eases Arthritis and spooking, Reducing stress and anxiety,and bringing relief to Colic .
Veterinary Act
Veterinary Act As a complementary therapy Reiki safely supports all other holistic healing modalities, including Western medicine, and will complement any veterinary care your horse may be receiving.
Reiki may also be utilised if you’d like to try a more natural approach to improving your horse’s health, or when your horse hasn’t responded to other treatments.
Reiki is not a substitute for veterinary care
Reiki treatments should not be construed as a substitute for veterinary examination, diagnosis or treatment.
You should see a qualified veterinarian for any physical ailment in your horse of which you are aware.
Reiki practitioners do not diagnose conditions nor do they prescribe or perform medical or veterinary treatment, prescribe substances, nor interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical or veterinary professional.
Any therapies offered by the practitioners are not intended to replace or act as an alternative to conventional treatments given by the vet.
Owners are required to advise their veterinary surgeon of the intention to use complementary therapy as a support system to use alongside conventional treatments.
The Veterinary Surgery Act of 1966 amended 1996 prohibits anyone other than a qualified veterinary surgeon to diagnose ailments and giving of advice on such diagnosis.
The healing of animals by contact healing, by the laying on of hands or distant healing is legal.
The Protection of Animals Act 1911 requires that if an animal clearly needs treatment from a veterinary surgeon the owner must obtain this .

what is Reiki Reiki - meaning Universal Life Force Energy is one of the most ancient healing methods passed down through the centuries by Reiki Masters. It is a hands-on therapy transferring healing energy from the practitioner to the horse, cat, dog or human. Reiki (pronounced Ray-key) means life energy in Japanese, which is the healing energy that the practitioner channels to the animal/human during a treatment. Healing with energy is the most ancient form of medicine and inthe modern world it is increasingly popular as it is non-invasive and treats the person,horse, cat, dog as a whole: physically, emotionally and mentally. Animals and People generally enjoy Reiki, becoming relaxed and even sleepy. It is totally non-threatening, so even nervous and highly-strung horses, cats, dogs tend to accept it happily. Reiki helps the body to heal itself naturally by re balancing the energy. This enables the system to work in harmony and stimulates the immune system, providing a foundation for well-being on every level. Emotional and psychological blockages can be cleared, which in turn help the physical body to function properly and aid healing. Negative energy turns to positive, and during the treatment the brain releases endorphins, nature's painkillers, which have a sedative effect and give relief from discomfort. It is a gentle yet powerful treatment. Until relatively recently the conventional world of medicine has been fairly sceptical about energy healing, but now published scientific research has proved conclusively that healing with energy works. Reiki pure healing energy goes to the source of the problem, whether it's physical, emotional or psychological. Amongst many other benefits, Reiki healing can help to: Aid healing of many ailments, diseases and injuries. Relax and give a feeling of contentment and tranquillity. Relieve stress and anxiety. Release negative emotions/traumas that haven’t been resolved. Heal wounds and help post-operative recovery. Aid absorption and healing after a remedial treatment (such as chiropractic or physio) Help with bereavement and loss. Help the horse/cat/dog-human relationship. Let your equine partner choose Reiki is different from most other holistic therapies in that it relies on the willing participation of the horse for success. The practitioner “offers” Reiki to the horse in a flexible way, without forcing the treatment and without expectations of the way the session will unfold. Horses are very sensitive and wise to energetic frequencies and will immediately understand the nature of the healing you are offering. Commonly, a horse will come forward and put his nose into your hands as soon as you begin. He will then choose to take Reiki in the way he needs most. Hint Some horses will actually come and place the areas of their bodies that need healing into your hands. Others prefer to receive the treatment from several feet away. Normally, a Reiki treatment will consist of a combination of hands-on and hands-off, depending on the comfort and preference of the horse. In rare cases, your horse may choose not to receive a treatment on a particular day; if that happens, try again another time. You will know your horse is open to the treatment by signs of rest and relaxation: licking and chewing, frequent yawning and deep sighs, and/or falling asleep. The average Reiki treatment lasts from 30 to 60 minutes, and ends when the horse wakes up from his “Reiki nap” and moves away. Most horses will even say “thank you” by putting their heads into your hands or nuzzling you before they leave.
What is Balance Procedure?
The Balance Procedure is: an instant relaxation technique easy to learn simple to do enabling us to find a new freedom in creating the life we want! THe Balance Procedure activates the Language of the Universe with nine symbol cards each representing a geometric symbol, affirmation, colour, number, zodiac, gemstone, element, planet, chakra, and physical aspect and how when all is Balanced, it is the key to the unconscious mind. TBP is an energy technique that does not require an understanding of theory or precise disciplines but is learnt through practice. Knowing how it works is not as important as doing it. Rather than using the rational, intellectual level of consciousness, it requires the development of flexibility and expansion of consciousness. It is not the procedure itself that bring about the results, they are merely catalysts, it is the life force working inside each person that brings about the transformation. Animals like to feel confident, safe and secure in their environment, using TBP encourages animals to choose to relax, rather than go into the 'fight/ flight' coping mechanisms.
Equine, Feline, Canine Reiki
Reiki meaning Universal Life Force Energy is one of the most ancient healing methods passed down through the centuries by Reiki Masters. It is a hands-on therapy transferring healing energy from the practitioner to the horse, cat, Dog or human.
Reiki (pronounced Ray-key) means life energy in Japanese, which is the healing energy that the practitioner channels to the horse during a treatment. Healing with energy is the most ancient form of medicine and in the modern world it is increasingly popular as it is non-invasive and treats the animal as a whole: physically, emotionally and mentally. Horses cats and dogs generally enjoy Reiki, becoming relaxed and even sleepy. It is totally non-threatening to the horse, so even nervous and highly-strung horses tend to accept it happily.
Reiki helps the body to heal itself naturally by re balancing the energy. This enables the system to work in harmony and stimulates the immune system, providing a foundation for well-being on every level. Emotional and psychological blockages can be cleared, which in turn help the physical body to function properly and aid healing. Negative energy turns to positive, and during the treatment the brain releases endorphin's, nature's painkillers, which have a sedative effect and give relief from discomfort. It is a gentle yet powerful treatment.
Until relatively recently the conventional world of medicine has been fairly sceptical about energy healing, but now published scientific research has proved conclusively that healing with energy works. Reiki pure healing energy goes to the source of the problem, whether it's physical, emotional or psychological.
Amongst many other benefits, Reiki healing can help to: Aid healing of many ailments, diseases and injuriesRelax and give a feeling of contentment and tranquilityRelieve stress and anxietyRelease negative emotions/traumas that haven’t been resolved Heal wounds and help post-operative recovery Aid absorption and healing after a remedial treatment (such as chiropractic or physio) Help with bereavement and loss Help the Cat/Dog/horse-human relationship

By finding balance on many different levels. Reiki gives energy to the animal so that they can heal faster by working on the true cause of the problem. Addressing the animal as a whole being not only the symptom. Reiki helps to heal physical by speeding up the healing process, elevating the symptoms of pain and helping the body regain its energy. Reiki helps balance out emotions by helping the animals to overcome their reactions so that their behaviors can change. Reiki helps to heal the spirit by bringing animals back into a state of trust and connection.
Animals respond quickly to the ease that Reiki produces on these levels. Often harmonising seemingly difficult or impossible attitudes and conditions.
Cats and Dogs and Small animals £35
Horses £45
Horses - maximum at one time 4 at yard plus travel (4 horses will receive a discount- £160 (noramlly £180) Must all be on the same yard.
A nonrefundable deposit of 50% paid up on booking paid via Bank Transfer
We must be given at least 24hrs cancellation.