Cherished Moments
Pregnancy Treatments.
Massage, Reflexology and Reiki in Pregnancy and Post natally
. Regular treatments give you the space to deeply relax and rejuvenate and the time to enjoy your pregnancy and transition into motherhood.
The benefits of regular massages, reflexology and reiki during pregnancy and post natally how it can help restore your body to a pre-pregnancy state.
Pregnancy is a wonderful time for a woman, but is also a time of many physical changes due to the extra weight from the baby putting pressure on joints, ligaments and organs often causing discomfort and pain.
Not only can massage, reflexology and reiki be physically beneficial, but the human touch can be comforting and provide emotional support during your pregnancy and preparation for giving birth. They have also been found to reduce anxiety and depression.
Research shows that the babies can also benefit greatly from massage, reflexology and reiki as the “feel good” endorphins released by the mother during the massage are passed onto the baby.
Receiving treatments throughout the pregnancy is a great way to nurture your body and become aware of the growing baby within. This also helps with the ability to relax during labour often resulting in shorter and easier births, less pain and a lower rate of post-natal complications.
The benefits of holistic therapies in pregnancy:-
- Induces deep relaxation and peaceful sleep – When you are relaxed you will find that your sleep improves.
- Morning sickness/nausea
- Headaches
- May help to normalise blood pressure
- Improve sleep patterns
- Prevention of heartburn
- Helps to reduce emotional stress, anxiety
- Creates a sense of well-being – as already stated pregnancy is a time of great change and this, along with fluctuating hormones and broken sleep can sometimes cause stress levels to rise.
- Eases pregnancy discomfort – Soothing back and shoulder pain, sciatica, cramp, sore hips and tired legs.
- Stimulation of the circulation – This will distribute essential nutrients and fluid to all the vital organs, especially the placenta which will feed and aid the development of the baby.
- Fluid retention - Reduces swelling – Eases oedema in the feet, legs, hands and wrists, and helps to avoid varicose veins from developing.
- Blood pressure – Helps to lower or keep blood pressure balanced.
- Oxytocin –Encourages the release of Oxytocin which is a pain reducing hormone providing vital relief of pain during labour and birth.
- Provide emotional support
- Help ease muscle strain and fatigue of labour and childbirth
- Assist in the healing of the pelvic floor and pelvic alignment
- Help abdominal muscles recover
- Encourage healing after a Caesarean Section
- Help in the restoration of normal walking patterns
- Prevent and reduce back and neck pain caused by the physical nature of caring for a new born baby
- Encourage good posture
Reiki is a non-invasive, gentle 'hands on' technique working with energy and helps to release any blockages in the body - Reiki promotes and accelerates the body's own natural healing process and is beneficial on many levels.
It is commonly being used in a variety of clinical settings as a complimentary therapy such as in hospitals, postoperative recovery, complimentary therapy centres amongst other places.
It can be used safely by all ages including the new born, pregnant mothers, surgical patients and children.
If you are feeling a little anxious, stressed or depressed pre-birth or post-delivery -REIKI IS THE PERFECT WAY TO SPOIL YOURSELF - MANY FIND REIKI DEEPLY RELAXING AND CALMING!

The Post-Natal Period
The birth of your baby will bring much joy and great happiness. Both physically and emotionally the postpartum is a time of great change. Post-natal therapies are a good way to take care of yourself following the birth and having regular massages, reflexology or reiki during the first year especially weekly for the first 6 weeks. (You are welcome to bring your baby whilst having your post-natal retreats).
After having a baby, a mother’s life and her body are changed forever. Holistic Therapies can support these changes and help lay the foundations for long-term emotional and physical health for both mother and baby.
When to start post-natal massage, reflexology and reiki
For mother’s that delivered naturally or without complications then you can have a massage whenever you are comfortable and ready. For those that had Caesarean delivery, it is best to wait at least 2 weeks just so that the scar can heal. For mothers that would like a reiki treatment, we can start as soon as you feel comfortable and ready. And for reflexology any time from the first to third day after birthing. And for those that have had a caesarean again waiting at least 2 weeks, although it is not always easy as there are so many demands on a new mum.
Benefits of Post-Natal Massage:-
- Provides deep relaxation
- Boosts energy levels
- Reduced feelings of anxiety and stress
- Gives you time to care for yourself
- Helps to promote post natal recovery-restoring you to a pre pregnancy state
- Reducing your uterus to normal size
- May help prevent and provide support in cases of postnatal depression
- Eases aches and pains – Helps to ease back pain and neck pain from carrying the baby and breastfeeding.
- Circulation – Helps to eliminate excess body fluids and reduces fluid retention.
Benefits of Post-Natal Reflexology:-
- Rebalancing, harmonising and restoring mind, body and sole
- Helping to restore you to a pre-pregnancy state.
- Deeply calming and relaxing
- Improve energy levels
- Aid sleep
- Support as your menstrual cycle returns to normal
- Encouraging a regular milk supply for breast feeding
- Water retention
- Post natal depression – May help prevent and provide support in cases of post-natal depression.
- Eases aches and pains – Helps to ease back pain and neck pain from carrying the baby and breastfeeding.
- Circulation – Helps to eliminate excess body fluids and reduces fluid retention.
Benefits of Post-Natal Reiki:-
Reiki is a non-invasive, gentle 'hands on' technique working with energy
• Promotes calm and feel healthier
• Supports you on all levels over the changing months
• Helps alleviate the symptoms of pregnancy
• Assists in the mother child bonding process
• Stress relief
• Reduced anxiety and tension
• Promotes better sleep
• Helps relieve pain
• Removes energy blockages
• Increased awareness
• Increased vitality
• can accelerate the healing of physical problems
• aids one to a state of calmness and peace
• can balance the emotions aiding meditation and positive thinking
• can assist people experiencing a change in their lives
• promotes and accelerates the body's own natural healing process
• It can be used safely by all ages including the new born, pregnant mothers, surgical patients and children.